Examples of Conditional Sentences Type 1, 2 and 3 On Article Islam :
Do not Miss The Day Without Muhasabah
As we reach the age of baligh until the rest of the breath today have the mind come to mind that we have a debt to Allah SWT is not paid? Have you ever wondered how many sins I have committed from birth till now?
"At least, have we ever been before the night, when we will close our eyes in the bed to rest, we remember our bad deeds During this day? "What's the bad thing today? Who am I hurt today? And what about my sin today?
"Or is it possible, we are among those who feel enough with the devotion and charity that we do? Try to compare ourselves with Rasulullah SAW, a figure who has clearly guaranteed the heaven and the life of the hereafter by Allah. He is still doing self introspection by asking forgiveness for a hundred times every day. (HR Muslim). In the history of Imam Bukhari is called seventy times.
Istighfar and muhasabah Rasulullah SAW as it is an attitude of gratitude to God Almighty for the blessings given as well as an example for his people. Prophet SAW is a person who ma'shum free from sin. Even so according to some scholars', besides as uswah, istighfarnya is for mubah things mubah done Rasulullah SAW, not for his mistake. So, we should have more self-awareness. Because we humans who are not ma'shum, have no guarantee in the afterlife.
If we are ordinary human beings, not even a mature day, we will in fact 'sleep'. Not seeing where we are, who we are and where we are going to be. Or we are arrogant people, so do not need bermuhasabah.
If we are ordinary human beings, not even a mature day, we will in fact 'sleep'.
Umar bin Khattab raa once said: "Hisablah yourself before you are reckoned. Weigh yourself before you are weighed and ornate you to face the glorious day of sighting.
"Doing muhasabah is aimed at knowing the weaknesses, the shortcomings, the sins and the mistakes that he did. Thus, it becomes an evaluation that drives to be even better.
But the ultimate goal of that is to be the true mu'min whom He has given. The ideal of becoming a true mu'min can be achieved by a process of self-awareness called muhasabah. In this process there are things to note.
The Self-Awareness Process
Becomes better with self-awareness. Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya said, there are four aspects that passed in this process of self-awareness. Namely, al-yaqdzah, al-'azm, al-fikrah and al-bashirah. These four part must be the element of muhasabah.
The first al-yaqdzah, the feeling of the heart of regret after he wakes up from 'sleep'. This is a preliminary process to fix the behavior that has been done. The emphasis here is the recognition that he is a servant of Allah who needs His guidance for having sinned. If you were aware, he would had a determination.
If you were aware, he would had a determination.
Both al-'azm, the strong intention to make improvements. Because his determination has been unanimous, then all obstacles and obstacles are ready to face. Because in the process of improvement, can be ascertained someone experiencing trials. Then he must have a guide who can deliver to the goal. The stronger the consciousness, the stronger the intention.
Third, al-fikrah, that is focus on improvement goals. The heart is only fixed on something to look for. Even though he does not have a road picture that delivers there. During this process, one does not think of the other from his muhasabahnya except to be a better person than yesterday that was directed by Allah SWT. If the concentration of muhasabahnya still covered tendencies outside the interests of self-improvement, it would be surely the mind is more inclined to these tendencies.
If the concentration of muhasabahnya still covered tendencies outside the interests of self-improvement, it would be surely the mind is more inclined to these tendencies.
Fourth, al-bashirah is a kind of light in the heart to see promises and threats, heaven and hell. This phase he would not owned if in the previous phase he had not seriously cleanse the sin. Purify the soul from the impurities of the heart. So that he has a far-sighted view, everything is considered based on the ultimate goal of life.
This phase he would not owned if in the previous phase he had not seriously cleaned the sin.
As the word of Allah (SWT) says: "O ye who believe! Be fearful of Allah, and let every one see what He has done for the Day of Resurrection" (Surat al-Hashr: 18).
Pilar Muhasabah
Act with it, actually muhasabah it is done continuously. It is part of self-repentance. Highly requires consistency and firmness. For the way is slippery, many thorns and full of trials. So there needs to be a support to confirm the consistency of muhasabah. Abu Isma'il in Manazilu al-Sa'irin as quoted by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah in Madariku al-Salikin said there are three pillars that sustain the muhasabah we need to do every time we do introspection;
First, Considering between the favors of Allah and our immorality. When muhasabah we will know the imbalance between the two. That it turns out the evil we are doing is much more than the gift of God's blessings we have gained. By comparing it we can know which one is more and which is the dominant one between the two. To be able to do a good comparison, we must know between what God's favors, exams and disobedience. In addition, avoid the bad thought.
Second, distinguish between our parts and obligations. Many people mingle between their obligations and rights. Our part is the mubah cases according to the decree of shari'a. Sometimes we reverse treat it.
Third, do not rush satisfied with the obedience done. Indeed, if we are satisfy with every worship that we do, it will be a burden of sin. We will be takabur and ujub. In fact, the scholars of the salaf al-shalih we reproduce istighfar each finished doing various kinds of obedience. Because they feel very short of fulfilling the rights of God.
Indeed, if we are satisfy with every worship that we do, it will be a burden of sin.
Everyone will come to Allah SWT in the last day to be accountable for the deeds of deeds. Then the most important thing for us muhasabahi is the aspect of worship. Because worship is the main goal of human creation on this earth.
If we have gone through the process of self-awareness as mentioned above and then strengthened with its pillars, then we have entered the door repent seriously. Taubat is a step back to the servant of Allah SWT and leave the path of the people who got wrath and heresy. We can not get it except by the guidance of Allah SWT. While His guidance can not be obtained except by pleading for His continuous help. Since it is urgent and not easy to be consistent in the way of al-shirath al-mustaqim, we would have daily practiced muhasabah, if we had aspired to be true mu'min.
we would have daily practiced muhasabah, if we had aspired to be true mu'min.
Rep: Kholili Hasib
Red: Cholis Akbar
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